Top 5 Misconceptions of BIM (Building Information Modeling)
Top 5 Misconceptions of BIM (Building Information Modeling)

There are some common misconceptions, when it comes to Building Information Modeling (BIM) implementation for construction industry. Want to know about the misconceptions & the realities of BIM that are bringing about the digital construction revolution?

Here are the top 5 misconceptions along with the realities of BIM:


  1. Misconception: BIM is just 3D Modeling

There is a misconception that BIM is just about 3D Modeling and not about drawing things in 3D. While 3D model is the obvious visual display of transformed techniques of working, it is a part of a much wider process. Building Information Modeling is not only about making a visual depiction of a physical object or an entity, rather it’s about a collaborative working for creating digital datasets. Graphical as well as non-graphical data is deposited in a shared digital space called the Common Data Environment, where it can be used to create federated models. So, BIM is about the management of information throughout the construction project lifecyle of a facility and not just about the 3D model.


  • Misconception: BIM takes more time to impact Productivity

It’s for sure that any process that encompasses new methods of working will certainly take some time to bring a positive impact to production. However, careful construction planning facilitates in selecting the right pilot for the project, ensuring that you have the time and resource to get up to the speed. BIM company gives you long-term benefits with gains overshadowing the preliminary investment. Compared to the conventional way of working, a BIM approach usually frontloads the formation of project-related information and assets and this takes time to work in a cohesive way with project planning and resourcing. With the help of training and competent BIM resources, the output from BIM will be worth the investment in the long run.




Use BIM Automation to Automate Modeling and Design Activities

  • Misconception: BIM implementation is expensive

Some upfront costs are involved with every program, while transforming from conventional working process but they provide longer-term efficacies and benefits. BIM company is about the cost of hardware, software, and extra training. Nowadays various tools are available free of cost or at low-cost, and there are readily accessible sources of guidance too. So, you can easily decidethe facets of BIM implementation and thus can control, spend, and merge with existing commitments.


  • Misconception:  BIM is just for the big companies, buildings & government projects

It’s a misconception that big construction projects only uses BIM. However, this doesn’t mean that smaller companies can’t benefit from BIM. Infact, smaller companies can gain the most from the competences and collaboration of BIM.  The fact is that all organisations incur the same type of financial costs, though on different scales in delivering a project. Even if governments are progressively encouraging and mandating the use of BIM on their projects, considering the benefits and productivities that can be realized, such an approach is not limited to large, public-sector projects. Today, the AEC clients of the private sector clients are increasingly seizing the opportunities across a wide array of projects –be it large or small of varying levels of complexity.


  • Misconception: BIM is only a flash in the pan

The key concepts at the core of Building Information Modeling have been a long time in the making. The probability of co-ordinated design for removing waste and bringing about cost savings was championed by organizations like the Building Research Establishment in the 1970s. The logic behind mechanized clash detection was discussed back in 1966. Hence, far from being a craze, Building Information Modeling is a natural evolution, made real by the technology advancements, raising expectations in the broader world. A day will come when BIM will just be a ‘business as usual’ that is embraced and implemented by all to gain the most.

The bottom line is that BIM technology is an evolutionary step for the construction industry. The benefits produced through BIM is real and valuable to AEC industry in the long term. BIM company isn’t a craze and will be a necessity to every construction professional. As people moved from a pen to a mouse & CAD, BIM is meant to be the next evolutionary step in the construction domain.

So, don’t wait and make BIM the best recourse for your construction project from inception to final built. Get in touch with the experts of Tejjy Inc. at 202-465-4830 or email at to discuss your requirement about BIM, Architectural & Engineering, Construction Management & Permit Expedition Services in DC, MD, VA & Baltimore areas in the USA.