BIM 360 Virtual Reality

Many of the project stakeholders want to know about the difference between Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). Both technologies have potential in the realm of construction, advertising, gaming, brand promotion, as well as entertainment.

As per a recent study undertaken by Deloitte, about 90% of businesses having annual revenues between $100 million &$1 billion are currently leveraging either AR or VR techniques in their work process. Most people are confused about AR and VR, but they’re like technology cousins rather than twins. At present BIM VDC engineers are using integrated BIM 3D models with AR &VR to match their construction objectives in a perfect way.

Let’s check out AR and VR terms, their differences, and benefits:

What is Augmented Reality?

Augmented Reality (AR) constitutes to be an ideal combination of the digital world and the physical elements for the creation of an artificial environment. Applications developed through AR equipment for mobile and desktop help to blend digital modules into the real world. To take an instance, AR facilitates in exhibiting score overlays in sports, popping out 3D photographs, text messages, as well as email communication.

In the construction sector, BIM service providers in USA focus on Augmented Reality with BIM to distribute paperwork by digitizing designs and construction documentation. This facilitates BIM engineering companies to boost control over the construction sites and scheduling.

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual Reality (VR) is a virtual simulation of reality. The technique is often used in 3D movies, video games, and construction visualization. BIM VDC engineers make construction simulations like the real world and “immerse” the viewers through computers and other devices such as headsets and gloves. Virtual reality is used in education, training, and scientific presentations.

bim and virtual reality, virtual reality in construction

What are the Benefits of Augmented Reality?

Augmented Reality provides individualized learning and fosters the learning process. The technique offers innovation and continuous development, enhancing accuracy.

Using AR techniques, top BIM service providers in USA facilitate design evaluation with augmented designs, BIM 360 design collaboration, design and construction management, and improved design communication with project stakeholders.

Using the BIM 3D model, project stakeholders are able to share their experiences over long distances. Further, there is improved 4D construction scheduling & 5D cost estimation.

What are the Benefits of Virtual Reality?

Virtual Reality helps in immersive learning, creating an interactive environment with increased work capabilities. BIM engineering company is able to accurately provide a 360-degree view of the construction site, improving project visualization with ‘zoom in zoom out’ and ‘pause & play 360 content’. BIM 360 design collaboration offers convenience to create a realistic world so that the users are able to explore the world in an artificial environment.

How AR and VR work together?

Often, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality work together to produce an enhanced engagement. Combining the two technologies facilitate in transporting the users to a fictitious world, providing a new dimension of interaction between the real and virtual world. Nowadays, construction companies are always seeking new and creative methods to reach clients.

Top BIM service providers in the USA are implementing these technologies for marketing and client satisfaction. Implement AR and VR techniques and make your construction an exciting part of the customer journey.

Call the experts of top BIM engineering company – Tejjy Inc. at 202-465-4830 or