Case Study: Commercial Roof Work Shop Drawings for Crossfield ES – 2791 Fox Mill Rd, Herndon, VA

  • Case Study: Commercial Roof Work Shop Drawings for Crossfield ES – 2791 Fox Mill Rd, Herndon, VA
  • Case Study: Commercial Roof Work Shop Drawings for Crossfield ES – 2791 Fox Mill Rd, Herndon, VA

Client Summary


Addressing compliance challenges at 2791 Fox Mill Rd, Herndon, VA, Tejjy implemented cloud collaboration, automation, and BIM integration. This optimized communication, streamlined processes, and ensured adherence to industry standards. The ultimate result was enhanced efficiency and client satisfaction on the roof re-development scope of the project. 

Scope of Work

Preparation of shop drawings for roof work and ensuring the project’s compliance with industry standards. 

Identification of Challenges:

Failure to Meet Industry Standards and Timelines: Before Tejjy coming onbaord for the project, Stakeholders neglected to keep abreast of regulatory changes and compliance violations, resulting in shop drawings that did not align with industry standards. Additionally, delays were incurred due to the time taken to raise Requests for Information (RFIs) and await their responses. 

Evaluation of Solutions:

Establishment of Cloud Collaboration: Considering the coordination issues, we implemented a cloud-based collaboration platform enables real-time identification of lapses at every tier of the project. It further helped in fostering swift resolutions and streamlined communication.

Automation of Standard Checking: The integration of automated tools for standard checking ensures adherence to industry benchmarks, reducing manual errors and expediting the review process.

Implementation in Building Information Modeling (BIM): Employing BIM 360 eased the workflow for Tejjy as well as facilitated seamless coordination among stakeholders according to project guidelines. It also enabled automated checks for compliance with industry standards, enhancing efficiency and accuracy. 

Effectiveness and Impact:

Enhanced Collaboration: Tejjy’s cloud collaboration approach fostered transparency and accountability among stakeholders, facilitating proactive identification and resolution of issues. This lead to smoother project progression and improved communication.

Efficiency Gains: Further, the automation of standard checking processes eliminated manual efforts and reduced the likelihood of errors, enabling faster turnaround times for shop drawings. This ensured that project timelines are met, mitigating delays and associated costs.

Improved Compliance: Integration with BIM allows for real-time validation of shop drawings against industry standards, ensuring compliance from the outset. This minimized the risk of rework and costly revisions, enhancing overall project quality and client satisfaction.


Roof work Shop Drawings for Crossfield ES
serene 150-acre
March, 2024
Shop Drawing, BIM, 3D Modeling
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